On Friday Hasse went to Gävle to see our grandson, Henrik, compete in skills competition.
He has made it to Brynäs A-lag and will play the elite-series this season. Isn't that great only 19?
Anyway on Friday they presented the A-lag to the public in Läkerol arena and at the same time had this skills competition. They were divided into 2 teams and they had to perform different skills a hockeyplayer should have like puck-control, speedskating and more. Henrik's team actually won and Henrik won the penalty competition. Great job! Afterward they signed autographs.
So now we have two celebrities in the family that signs autographs :-) but in totally different fields of course.
Yesterday I went down to my Mom in Alby and joining us was Helen whose birthday it was. She turned ??, you should never reveal a lady's age, hihihi. Anyway Helen brought a cake which we ate while talking. I even sang to her - Happy birthday :-) And she got a birthday gift - we are going to Linköping December 4 to see and listen to a Christmas concert with Sissel, the Real Group and Orsa spelmän and we will stay overnight at a hotel (I had a bonusnight so...). She was very happy to get this. I'm sure it will be a great concert.
What else? Well, my Mom was really alert and sat up in her wheelchair when I came. She wasn't, of course, clear in the head but she looked so much better than these past weeks. So much that Helen and I promised to take her out to Hågelbyparken next Sunday.
I'm glad for every minute we get to spend with her now. It feels like overtime. Every time we have to explain that Dad is dead. She doesn't want to recognize that. I gave her the memoryalbum yesterday so she can look in it every time she has doubts.
Our friends Kitte and Janne has invited us to dinner tonight which we are very much looking forward to. We haven't seen them in a long time because when we left Gotland they came and they have been there since but is now back in town after a great holiday.
Tomorrow I'm going to my friend Anne in Norrtälje for treatment and lunch.
So much to look forward to and I hope it won't be a rough sea when we go on our cruise to Helsinki on Tuesday.
I will see when I get the time to write next time but be sure I will have some photos to post here then :-)
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