I have been neglecting my blog, I know but sometimes you really need to just do things without writing them down and sometimes you need to write everything down. Does that make sense?
Anyway since last I wrote I have been to see my very good friend Anne in Norrtälje to get treatment and also our usual wonderful lunch at Ett glas and of course as usual Chantarellesoup. If you ever go there be sure to take it because it's something extra. Anne and I also talks about everything and nothing and it's so nice to be with her because you don't have to pretend or be someone else or put up a mask. You can just be yourself and I know she thinks the same.
In life we show off different sides of us depending on where you are. At work you show one side of you, the professional side and just a little bit of your private (that is in general but you can have very good friends there too with whom you share more), with your family you are yourself (hopefully), with your friends another side but then you have those rare friends with whom you can be your inner you, who really see your soul. They are few in a lifetime but oh so precious.
This week we also celebrated Valpurgis night (Valborgsmässoafton) and we were so lucky this year that both Emil and Jonas were able to come for dinner. That is rare these days. We had decided to grill, of course. And I had bought a new grill for this occasion. So in the afternoon Hasse started to assemble the grill and after an hour he was angry and frustrated and said there will be no grill today. I said: It will! I will help you. So together we started the big task of putting it together and I can tell you it wasn't easy. It took us 3 hours to get it together and when we were done we found 4 more things that should have been on to stabilise it. So we had to unscrew and onscrew (nice words) and finally everything was there.
I had made burgers (like the ones I did in La Mirada last year) and also fillet of pork. To that we had potatoesallad, green sallat, garlicbutter, bearnaisesauce and to drink beer and wine (wine for me). The boys were in charge of the grill and they did a great job. Very good!
They are on the top of this side. Isn't it a gorgeous grill?
I must talk about the weather as well since the weather here in Sweden is so important especially on these long holidays. We have had a wonderful spring weather with nice temperatures in the 18-20's C. The birches and really all trees are so wonderful now with all the light green leaves, the flowers are coming on and the Japanese cherrytrees with their pink flowers are beautiful. The bad side of it is all the pollen which makes your eyes be dramatic red, your nose to drip and your head feeling two numbers too small :-)
This coming week I'm going to meet former workingmates for coffee on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday I'm going to Åland on a conference, Thursday is boardmeeting with the Rheumatic association and Friday Mom is going to do an MR of her head and I'm going with her.
So I don't know when I will write next time but until then I do wish you have a wonderful time and remember be sure to enjoy the day - Carpe Diem
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