Today it's Easter evening and a wonderful weather it is. Sunshine, 18C and much warmer in the sun. People walking around in shorts, linen or dresses. People coming out of hibernation and suddenly there are a lot of people in your neighbourhood doing gardening, sitting in the sunshine drinking coffee or wine. This is so nice.
But, there is a but, for us that are allergic, like me, H and even Hilma our dog (allergic to grass - can you imagine that and being a dog?). Our eyes is itching and running, Hilma is scratching which is not good and we are having trouble breathing sometimes.
I have started to take powerwalks with sticks in the mornings and I have noticed it's very hard to breathe. Well, it can also be that I'm not as fit as I should be ;-).
But always when I start doing these things I get sick :-( Like now I have a sore throat and fever and I can't powerwalk then. Is my body telling me something do you think? Maybe I'm not supposed to walk ? I hope this cold blow over quickly so I can return into good routines.
I'm also on a very strict GI-diet and that is for me the only way to loose some weight. But it's hard to stick to it because I can't eat anything like potatoe, rice, flour, bread which I love.
Candy and buns I can do without but it's hard with bread. I know in order to loose anything I really need to be determined and stick to it. It's the only thing that has ever let me loose some kilos. The thing is with PCOS it's very hard to loose weight and everything you ever gained sticks to your stomach :-( which I hate.
Perfect time to start this isn't it? Easter with all its candy. Well I did start over a week ago and soon I will have my first weighin. I hope I have lost some at least.
Hope you all have a wonderful Easter wherever you are and I will be thinking of all of you that are far away and that I won't be seeing. You know you are dear to me and I love you

Om du blir sjuk när du börjar träna kan det vara så att det blir för mycket. Börja med att gå varannan dag istället för varje t.ex. Annars finns det ju sån här powerplate som är väldigt skonsam träning, men tyvärr väldigt dyrt med tror jag.
SvaraRaderaGlad påsk på er med!
Happy Easter to you and your family Mia. I will think of you when we are in Las Vegas :)
SvaraRaderaI ned to go on a diet too, but there's always tomorrow lol