I haven't written for a while since I managed to slip on an icespot last Thursday and fall so bad that I fractured a rib. I didn't realized what had happened until Saturday because I also hurt my shoulder and my knees in the fall and they hurt the most at the beginning. Saturday night Jonas, his girlfriend M and Dave from H.E.A.T was here for dinner. We had a very nice and relaxing time and after dinner, coffe and lots of talk and remembering I drove them home to Jonas place. On returning it suddenly felt like someone stuck a knife on the left side of my chest. It hurt so much I had trouble breathing. I couldn't cough and absolutely not laugh. And whenever I bent forward I had that knife there again.
Despite that I drove up to Gavle on Sunday but I could only sit in one position. I first went to see S and L. L was home for a couple of hours from her job and had made coffe which was nice. I stayed for a couple of hours before going to G. I stayed the night at G's place and on Monday morning I went to P for a bloodanalyse. Very interesting and we talked and talked so long that I almost missed my beauty treatment which was next on my list to do. So nice and relaxing and I was a new woman afterwards :-) Ready for the big final on Saturday.
Then it was time to look at an apartment in Gavle. It is a 3 bedroom flat with fireplace, kitchen, two bathrooms and a big balcony. Very well located in the middle of town or rather more at the south end but very central. You can walk both to S and L, to the town center and to G.
I really loved the flat but H hasn't seen it yet so we have to wait and see what happens. Next Thursday a estate agent will come and see our house here in Upplands Vasby though.
This morning H.E.A.T was on radion, Mix Megapol, and the photo is from that event. I love that radio channel and especially Adam and Gry who are the hosts. Too bad Gry is having a baby. Well it's very nice for her but a loss for us. She looks absolutely glowing on this photo.
The countdown for Saturday has began.
Remember to vote:
Textmessage: 04 to 72211 or call 099-230 04 (yes it's the same as in Skelleftea)
See you :-)

Spännande med lägenheten! Vilken gata låg den på?
SvaraRaderaÅhh gud vad kul och läsa om allt som händer när du kommer till Gävle :)! De är sånt drag i dig Mia! :D Alltid något på G! Saknar er!! HÄLSA ALLA :) LOVE
SvaraRaderaGood luck to H.E.A.T!!!
SvaraRaderaMia don't get too excited and hurt your chest even more lol
I'll be watching online :)