I just got back late last night from London where I spent the weekend with rock'n roll.
My main purpose was of course to see H.E.A.T play at O2 Academy Islington London on Saturday. But why not combine that with holiday I thought.
So me, my sister H and her daughter B as well as Jona's girlfriend M all went. We stayed at this superluxurious hotel in Holborn Renaissance Chancery court.
We had clubroom which gave us access to a Club lounge that offered complimentary meals like continental breakfast, tea/coffe, drinks throughout the day, evening meal and desserts. In our prize was also an English breakfast in the Pearl restaurant which ordinary cost £24.50! But it was worth it.
On Friday evening we went to see "We will rock you" with music by Queen. What a musical!!! They talk about Mamma Mia but this one - I don't know but I it's probably better. I got goosebumps all over when the audience at the end starting singing Bohemian Rhapsody, what a feeling. I could see again for sure. Why isn't it so much written about it? Why doesn't it come to Sweden?
Next day was Saturday and H.E.A.T came to London. In the morning we went out shopping and found some bargains although we froze so I had to buy myself a knitted scarf. It even snowed on Carnaby street. We came home just in time to make ourselves pretty and take a cab to O2 Academy. There we saw their red tourbus but no guys. They were inside soundchecking so we went to Borders for a coffee. Then Jona called and we went down to see them. I know o
After a while I met the Daz who is the H.E.A.T street team leader in Scotland. He had been in Dudley the night before and then gone down to London together with Leanne who is the H.E.A.T street team leader of England. Two wonderful people that I really liked. They are doing so much for the boys and for the love of rock music and H.E.A.T. They do now belong to my extended family.
Then came the concert and H.E.A.T did a great gig with loads of energy and left us all feeling it was way too short. We just wanted more but they weren't allowed to play more. I think they did get a lot of new fans that night. Vonne and Leffe did sell a lot of merch, at least to us families. We were a nice group there. It was us, Eric's parents, Vonne and Leffe, their manager Håkan with wife and we all went out to eat dinner after the gig at a buffet restaurant which was very nice. Also Kenny's girlfriend Anthea and her mother was there but they left earlier for dinner.
Me and M after dinner went to the guys tourbus again to wave them goodbye but it turned out to be a long wait. We stayed there with the guys, our new found friends Daz, Lea, Sharon and some more. But eventually we were too frozen and went home. M of course sad because she won't be seeing Jona for 3 weeks now.
The next day we went to the hotel spa for Treatments and after that to Mme Tussauds. A must when you are in London because there are always changes so it's really never the same from time to time.
After a Sunday with treatments, again, Harvey Nichols and sushi we headed home to Sweden where we landed delayed with almost an hour. On the plane the funniest thing happened. The flight attendant was the best friend of my neighbour so she was kind enough to give me some champagne. Thank you Eva :-)
A good end to a good weekend.
Nu ska fröken teknisk fråga en ny sak om countern. Är det bara att göra på samma sätt som sitt eller är något annorlunda?
SvaraRaderaHärligt att ni verkar ha haft det bra i London!
Sounds like a super fun time! So happy for H.E.A.T. and wish them great success on their tour!
SvaraRaderaTack för allt igen, hade supertrevligt! :D