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Waiting is over!

H.E.A.T are to perform in Skelleftea in the second part competition of the Melodifestival. It's very high up north in Sweden. In fact I have never been that high. When I called to book hotel today they said it was very mild "only" - 10C and lots of snow. Here on the side is a map of Sweden and Skelleftea is marked out. It's very close to the arctic circle.

Speaking of booking hotels. Today was crazy, totally wild. We all expected the information on the where about of H.E.A.T but not until 9 AM we got it. Skelleftea! I was immediately on the internet to check out flight connections and hotels. Unfortunately this collided with our last administrative meeting so I had to abandon the search and run down. At the meeting we listened and watched Celine Dion singing Adam's Christmas song. Very beautiful.
After that coffee, glogg, gingerbread, sandwiches and lussekatter.

Up to my office afterwards trying to search again. Then what happened. All the students came and wanted to get their depositions which they made when they moved in. Also employers came to fetch money for this and that. So no time for private matters. At 11 AM I finally could close the computer, drive home, eat some porridge for lunch while searching the internet. The flights were almost full, the hotels were full. I had an appointment with my hairdresser to cut and dye my hair at noon. 12.05PM I was still trying to make the last reservation with SAS but couldn't so I had to go down to Lotta (my hairdresser). She was getting worried because I'm never late.

So the first half hour I was on my cellphone ordering and paying tickets with SAS to go up on February 13, just realized that's a Friday. Oh boy.

Anyway the competition is the following day which in fact is Valentine's Day. I hope that is a good omen. We'll be going back with another airline since SAS only had expensive tickets left. That means we don't go until 5PM.

I did not succeed in booking a hotel, in fact since we are 6 we need 3 rooms. It's me, H, E, He (my sister, M (J's girlfriend) and S (M's mother). In total the H.E.A.T family will consists of 34 people! Hakan their manager, managed (that was funny manager managed) to get as many tickets as we had asked for.
One of the parents said they had booked on a camping just 150 meters from the arena so I took a chance and called. It's hotelstandard house but with no shower or toilet in the room but we booked that since most of the parents will be staying there and I think we will have a great time.

Who is going against them then. Well, we have Mans Zelmerlov who almost won the whole thing in Sweden 2 years ago. It's Amy Diamond a young girl who has been performing like forever. We have Markolioo who is a very funny and loved artist here. We have Jennifer Brown who hasn't been around for a while but sings kind of soul music. It's Lili &Susi who are sisters and they were very popular in the 80s mostly because of their looks not so much the music. And there are Lasse Lindh and the Band whom I don't know anything about nor the last contestant Cookies 'n Beans, yes it's really their names. It should be very exciting I think.


  1. Ja, alla gör väl som de vill. Själv blir jag bara stressad av att veta att jag ska skriva varje dag. Som sagt det ska inte vara ett måste, utan mer en kul grej att srkiva ner tankar i. Men alla är ju olika :)

  2. Vilket startfält, vad roligt de fick uppträda ändå uppe i Skellefteå! Jag ska kolla på det på internet!


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