It has been a quiet Friday and weekend which was nice. Well, quiet and quiet. I did most of the Christmas baking on Saturday so from 9.30AM until 6PM I made saffronbuns, lussekatter, different kind of cookies as well as making dinner.
Friday I went to the Opera for our final opera this season which wasn't an opera but a ballet. The Nutcracker by Tjajkovskij. A wonderful saga set in the Swedish Christmas and with Petter and Lotta and the aunts Green, Brown and Lilac as well as Uncle Blue (from a Swedish saga by Elsa Beskow). It was wonderful and funny and there were a lot of kids in the audience.
Before the ballet me and C went to the Opera restaurant for dinner which was excellent. We had beef for main course and for desert Oscar II cake and we had a glass of wine.
Today I was down visiting my Mom and O at the elderly home. I did some shopping for them. As always O wants me to buy the newspapers for him and also som beer for him to drink at the meals. I called D earlier asking him if he wanted to come too so when I was done shopping I went to his place and fetched him. I brought some lussekatter that I baked yesterday and D had made
soft gingerbreadcake which was very good. So first we fetched O at his ward and then we went to Mom. We had a lovely coffeetime and chat. Mom is getting worse and it's often very hard to know what she means. At least she recognize us although she often doesn't remember our names.
Did I say I had a quiet weekend? Now after writing this I don't know if I had?! What do you think?

Can you believe that? I'm going to get a goldwatch. I was thinking of a goldmedal but I will buy the smaller goldmedal which everyone who has received the NOR is intitled to.
It's quite sad though that I get it now when we are about to close down. This means that tomorrow everyone that has worked 25-29 years also receive the same honor and that is because when an authority is closing down different rules apply. We are also thanking and giving away the gifts you normally get when you leave our work and that is a painting after 5 years and a beautiful handmade glassbowl after 10 years and we are so many that have achieved that so the whole afternoon tomorrow is dedicated to that.
Normally it's very festive but this time we have to do it like this which I think is sad.
Then Tuesday it's time for the traditional Lillejul, the last one ever :-(, (little Christmas) and it will be the biggest fireworks ever. So if you are anywhere near Rosersberg December 16 at around 6.30-7PM you may see this.
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