I went to a Christmas fair today at Steninge castle together with 9 other from the Rheumatic association. It was very nice and we started by having an excellent lunch. Then we went off to the fair. There were so many things, wonderful, handcrafted both food, candy, toys, handmade jewelry each one unique, knitwear and much much more. I ended up shopping too much of course but I did manage to buy some Christmas gifts.
Of course when I came home I realized that one bag was missing so I called the fair and can you believe it, someone had turned it in so it was there. I'm so happy and it restored my faith in man. So now I have to get the bag before the boardmeeting tomorrow.

I just heard a plane had crashed in San Diego in a residential area and I was so worried and I had to write L at once to make sure she is OK. They didn't say exactly where the plane had crashed that's why I wanted to make sure it wasn't where L lives. I hope not.
Now it's long overdue my bedtime so I have to say good night and hopefully I will have time tomorrow to write more.
Sleep well and as always sweet dreams.
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