Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll
What's happened since last I wrote. Let me see. I had my birthday dinner which was very nice. I got a lot of flowers and from H I got a diamond ring. From my friends K, J, J and A I got a dinner in the most wonderful place in Norrtalje. They have the best chantarelle soap I've ever tasted so this will really be a treat.
Our granddaughter L has gone to Washington DC for a year. She work as aupair and from the sound of it she really likes it.

I attended a course last weekend with two other members of the Rheumatic association. We went to Nynashamn at a lovely place with wonderful food. The course was to learn how to run an association and what roles you have in one like secretary, chairman etc. It was really educational and it was extra valuble that we were several from the same association.

What more, I've started QiGong again. It's very good and the QiGong we have is the medicine one. It's held at the rheumatic association and we are actually 10 this term. This is very good but our premises is almost too small for this type of movements.

H was diagnosed with RA rheumatic arthritis which was very sad news but I had suspected this for quite some time now. H is of course devestated. He has never had any serious illnesses before in his intire life so it's hard on him. I went with him to the doctor today when she explained everything about this. He also got 4 injections of cortison straight in the shoulder joints and the wrists.

On Saturday I congratulated my very dear friend I on her birthday. My gift to her was a ticket to H.E.A.T's concert in Linkoping on December 11. We are going by train and staying in a hotel overnight. That should be fun too.

H.E.A.T is going on a big European tour with the German band EdGuy. They will start in Dudley, England January 9 and end in Fulda, Germany on February 7. They will play in 7 countries during this tour and I will certainly be there when they come to Stockholm.


  1. Fast är det inte skönt för H nu att han fått veta vad det är? När fick ni reda på det?

    Hälsa farfar!


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