Today it's Halloween or at least I think it's today. We don't celebrate it that much now since the boys are grown up.
We are going to Norrtalje today with our very good friends K and J. In Norrtalje we will go home to our friends J and A for a drink and after that we are going to my favourite restaurant Ett Glas, which in English is One Glass, where we will have dinner. This is actually my birthdaygift from them and I really love the thought. So J is coming home to us in the afternoon and we will have some coffee before we go. He is to be our driver tonight so that we can have a drink and some wine. That is so nice.
E has promised to "babysit" our dog Hilma.
The weather is really grey, rainy and dull. On the positive side is that I light candles in the afternoon and evening and this is so cosy I think. I love that especially with scented candles.
It's getting closer and closer now the fact that my work is closing down. There are meetings planned, we have to delete in our computers, we have to throw away a lot of papers, documents etc and we also of course have to save some thing. It's strange to think that next year I don't have any work to go to. We will have meetings but we don't know where and it won't be the same. We will get help through an authority with education (if we need that) with coaching and so on but ultimately it's our own responsibility to create our future.
I wish you all a scary Halloween!!
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