Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll
Another week has gone by and boy did it fly. I don't know why days are so short nowadays. Since I last wrote I've been on a course to learn how to make a homepage. It was fun but my head was dizzy after a day in front of the computer. Otherwise nothing much happened except for the ordinary. Well one thing did happen.
The man who has been investigating if my work could have another company or some kind of cooperation take over it. But suddenly, when it was on the table of the Goverment, they realized it wasn't legal to do so. Have I said that before? When they first came up with that idea I said: Can you do that without offering to EU. We do have a law with the EU which says that everyone within it can give offers on this kind of business.

So now, that was that! No hope left! We are to close on December 31 and not return. The whole SRSA College of Rosersberg will be no more. This is so sad I think. There has been a school at this place since 1876 when the first school, Skjutskolan (the Shooting school) followed by the Civil Defence school and now finally the SRSA College.

I will be out of work January 1!! I haven't grasped that yet. I have to go out and find myself a job. How easy is that? I haven't applied for a job, really, for 28 years. I'm now 54, very lojal to my employer (who wants that today?), I work hard and efficient BUT I have a disease which makes it impossible for me to work more than 50% so I'm semiretired. I'm also overweight.
I do have skills and are good at my work but who knows that.
On the bright side is that I will have one years notice with full pay. That's something anyway.
So in January I'm going to New York, I think I told you before and before that we, that is E, me, M, H and B thinking of going to London to see H.E.A.T perform. Of course we would stay for a couple of days so we also have time to see a musical. Maybe Spamalot with Nina if she's still on the show then.

I was on the Royal Opera yesterday and saw Tosca. What an opera! What performance! It was wonderful and beautiful. I always enjoy the opera and especially Puccini.

This week on Friday I'm going to see Ladies night with my sis H. It's only ladies in the audience and on stage it's only men. We will meet with them afterwards thanks to H.E.A.T's manager who has arranged this. So Peter Stormare, Martin Stenmarck and Henrik Hjelt here we come.
I'm so looking forward to that because last time I met with Peter we really didn't have time to talk since he was signing together with H.E.A.T

By the way H.E.A.T is going to Nottingham next Sunday to perform on Firefest V.


  1. Tack! Bilden högst upp har jag tagit själv förra hösten. Sen bytte jag bakgrund på inställningar på bloggen och där går det att välja färger, storlek på text, typ av text m.m. Det är bara att klicka lite så hittar du det nog :)

    Tråkigt med jobbet!


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