It's Friday again and a weekend lies ahead. The weekdays really fly. It's Monday and then it's Friday. I'm going to watch H.E.A.T tomorrow. They have a gig here in Upplands Vasby in the "Fadderbyn" which is the place where they are rehearsing.
Speaking of H.E.A.T - you have to vote for them being one of the bands playing at Sweden Rock festival. There is a poll right now at: . Unfortunately you can't vote on their English site so you have to click on the Swedish flag. Below the Sweden Rock Festival-logo you see a menu. All the way to the right you find a section that's called 'Rösta inför 2009'. Click that button. From here it's fairly easy, just check H.E.A.T (the first band of the letter H), and scroll all the way to the bottom and submit ('skicka') your vote.
They really want to play there again next summer.
I saw my doctor yesterday and he told me I wasn't feeling well, as if I didn't know that. But he saw it on the bloodtests so he said I should have had sickleave this summer not vacation so he wanted to write sickleave for me but I said no. I want to wait until after the cruise. If I'm still not better after that I will take up on his suggestion.
Things are slowly getting better, thankfully, this annus teribile.
Have a nice weekend and don't forget to vote :-)
Speaking of H.E.A.T - you have to vote for them being one of the bands playing at Sweden Rock festival. There is a poll right now at: . Unfortunately you can't vote on their English site so you have to click on the Swedish flag. Below the Sweden Rock Festival-logo you see a menu. All the way to the right you find a section that's called 'Rösta inför 2009'. Click that button. From here it's fairly easy, just check H.E.A.T (the first band of the letter H), and scroll all the way to the bottom and submit ('skicka') your vote.
They really want to play there again next summer.
I saw my doctor yesterday and he told me I wasn't feeling well, as if I didn't know that. But he saw it on the bloodtests so he said I should have had sickleave this summer not vacation so he wanted to write sickleave for me but I said no. I want to wait until after the cruise. If I'm still not better after that I will take up on his suggestion.
Things are slowly getting better, thankfully, this annus teribile.
Have a nice weekend and don't forget to vote :-)
Mia jag hörde av en kille att alla band bara får spela på Sweden Rock en gång, men det kanske inte stämmer?
SvaraRaderaSen Grattis till diplomet och tack så mycket för presenten!!
Nej det stämmer inte. Så de hoppas ju få komma tillbaka.
SvaraRaderaTack för det. Det har varit jobbigt med allt som hänt att också skriva diplomskrivning men jag klarade det och blev godkänd så jag är glad för det.
Hoppas du hade en jättehärlig födelsedag och att åtminstone någon sjöng för dig. Kram :-)