We have celebrated Midsummer's Eve here on Friday. It was a lovely day with sunshine and kind of warm around 22C daytime and 12C at night. As the vikings we are we sat outside shivering but if it's summer you sit outside regardless.
We were invited to our good friends I and K and our lovely adopted grandchildren Ta and To. All in all we were 18 friends that had met up. I made potatoesalad and brought. You can imagine the bowl. It was huge. I made potatoesalad out of 6 kg fresh potatoes, mayo, sour cream, garlic, italian saladspice, leek and dill. It was very good and all said the same. To that we had grilled meat which K had marinated all day. He had also made this delicious sauce that had been cooking since 8 AM that morning that is almost 12 hours.
The first thing though we ate was, of course, sill (herring) in all forms and fresh potatoe with "nubbe" vodka. And of course we sang to every nubbe we took. I don't like and can't eat sill so me and the kids had ham, meatballs, potatoes and salat which was just as good.
All this eating takes a long time and we weren't ready for dessert until 11PM but then we had Swedish strawberries, which is a must on Midsummer, and icecream.
All night long there were different kind of drinks as well so at 11.30PM the kids throw K in the pool (he had told them to do that) and after that most of us went into the pool (not me and Hasse though). It was nice and warm in the pool almost 30C but when you got up! Around 12C so they froze so much they had to light a fire in the fireplace to get warm.But we are vikings and used to this climate. If it's summer you sit outside because it's very light and we have to grasp t
We got home around 1 AM and I drove since I hadn't been drinking any alcohol.
Saturday we took it easy and just had a peaceful day aside from me cleaning the whole house. Don't like it but it has to be done and I love it afterwards when it's clean and smells fresh.
Yesterday H and I went for a walk with Hilma. We walked around 5 km in a very nice surrounding in the countryside. The weather was perfect. Not too hot but still warm.
Lucky moment for me this weekend I have to say when we took that walk yesterday.
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