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It's getting closer....

I just realized I'm going in a few days time and I have a lot to pack. Well, it's not until Wednesday morning at 7AM but on Saturday we are going to celebrate both H and T as well as I and K's 30th relationship so nothing much will be done then. And on Sunday I will be tired I think ;-).
Then on Monday and Tuesday I'm off to my course again. It will be nice to meet everyone again. We have been keeping contact via mail. I think that is a wonderful invention really. I know that I have made some small errors on the assignment but I did pass so I might still become a licensed account economist.
One other thing is that I looked at the weather forecast for LA and it's 26-30C and I really need some more summer clothes. Since we still have snow, rain and cold it's a big contrast to come to that warm temperature and sunshine. I have over winter lost quite a few kilos and dropped 3 sizes so many of my summer clothes are too big. Well, it's better that way than the other way around I think. Still a lot of me left to love though, lol.
Today O's leg were amputated above the knee. As I have told you before he had gangrane and it just spread and got infectious so finally they decided to do something and I hope he won't have that awful pain anymore. He was very sad though before the operation, which I can fully understand but the alternative isn't any better. If they wouldn't have done anything he would probably have died sooner than later and with this awful pain. This way he has a chance at least.
It's J's birthday when I'm away so we bought him a new pair of jeans and I went down to the studio to give it to him. I think he was happy to get them but there's so much going on in his and all other members of H.E.A.T lives now, that he sometimes seems to be somewhere else in his thoughts.
My happy moment today was that I found out I had passed the assignment and that the snow was gone.


  1. 3 sizes!! Wow! Good job :o)

    See you soon!

  2. Probably the popunds you lost, I found!! ;)
    See you Wednesday!

  3. Thank you both. See you soon
    Hugs and xxxx


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