I just have to share this with you. H.E.A.T's new homepage was launched today and it's just fantastic. Go there folks and be inspired ;-) www.heatsweden.com

In a review by Melodic.net they gave their debut album 5 stars!

It almost brought tears to my eyes to read such beautiful words about the band. So here's really a proud Mom today.
Otherwise things is very hectic at the moment. Tonight G, H's daughter, will come which is always nice. Tomorrow we are going to our good friends K and J to meet their former sister-in-law S who is Italian and lives there as well.
Then on Monday it's H birthday as well as A and T's.
I'm also preparing to go to LA. Looking over my summerclothes because they have been in the closet the whole winter but now it's time to take them out which is lovely. Only a week left now before I go. I'm so happy to go and to meet everyone in my family again. Too bad though that J can't come but I understand that they have so much planned now with the release and everything related to that. The intention was for them to come to LA April 26 and stay for a week but everything about the record has been so delayed so that's why he can't come. Well, next time I hope he can.
My lucky moment today was, of course, when I read the review of H.E.A.T's debut album.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Hallå där! Vad kul att vi hittat varandra här på bloggeriet :)
SvaraRaderaJa det var verkligen så ! Jag fällde en tår när jag läste recentionen .Vad roligt för dig att besöka din syster i LA .Min vännina kom precis hem därifrån ,hon har oxå en syster där. Det verkar som om mycket kretsar runt LA just nu ....Ha det så bra nu där och vi ses säkert snart .Kram /Carina