Today is birthday to many. First of all my husband H - Happy birthday to you. Then our "grandchild" T turns 7 today - Happy birthday to you. And finally it's also my very good friend A's birthday - Happy birthday to you.
We had both J and E over for dinner and since it's H's birthday it's his choice of food and of course he wanted his favourite food which is meatloaf with mashed potatoes and vegetables. It's a tradition in our family that the "birthdaychild" gets to choose dinner and I make it :-).
It was nice to see them both and to hear about J's gig at Aland this weekend. Also their CD has been reviewed in another spot: where you can see an interview with Crash, Jona and Dave as well. The review gave their CD 9 out of 10 which is excellent.
It was the last time today with the Rheumatic gymnastics and Qigong. We have decided to continue this autumn as well. We had some coffee and tea with ginger breads and we gave our excellent instructors a rosebush each.
I feel very tired and I have yawned all day. I don't know why, maybe it's the weather.
My happy moment today was to see the family together at dinner again (we just missed D who wasn't able to come).

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