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Finally Saturday and International Women's Day

This week E was operated on. It was an operation in his ear trying to hopefully regain 80-90% of hearing on his left ear. I can't explain fully what was wrong but it was something with those tiny little bones inside your ear that didn't vibrate as it should making him hear badly. I fetched him from hospital that night and he slept here with us. The next morning it had bled through so me and H had to remove the bloody bandage which wasn't easy since he had a drain in the ear and it was absolutely forbidden to remove that. It is to keep the eardrum open so the blood will run out instead of staying inside the middle ear and clogging. We did as good as we could but after work I went with E to my doctor's clinic and asked if they could help us. The nurse said of course but when she saw the bandage and the blood she went and fetched a doctor. Anyway the doctor, looked at it and said: Were you supposed to fix this yourself and E said yes because that was the message he had from hospital when he went home. They gave him bandages and said he should change if blood came through. Our doctor, couldn't understand how they could ask E to do that by himself. He was quit upset really. And it took him and the nurse quite some time to remove, wash and put on new bandages. E had to lie down because he was rather shaky.
It's lucky I have such a long and good history with the clinic. I've been going there for 20 years now. It's a small private clinic but they don't charge any more than the public healthcare but give so much better treatment.
Unfortunately that didn't work either. It bled through again and we had to change 4 more times Thursday so that night I once again called the hospital (which I had done earlier in the day as well) and asked if he was supposed to bleed this much but it shouldn't the doctor said. But he said we could wait until Friday to see if it stopped. When I returned from work at 11 AM it still was bleeding and H had changed the bandages so I called the ER and they said he had to come. So in the car again and off to the ER where we spent 3 "wonderful" hours waiting. Finally we came in the room and the specialist (eardoctor) removed everything and it was all bloody. She washed and sucked out blood from the inner ear, you get the picture, and then put a new tamponade (long piece of bandage soaked with something to force the blood vessel to stop bleeding) because it was a blood vessel that wouldn't stop bleeding. Then a lot of bandages outside of that. He looks like a wounded hero with the bandage around his head. I keep my fingers cross that it will stop now otherwise we will have to go to the ER again.

Otherwise the week was rather calm ;-) except for the usual Rheumatic gymnastics and phone calls to and from hospitals and handling officers regarding Mom and O. Mom called several times this week very upset and not knowing where she was and why she was there. Hopefully next week O will be released from hospital and going to the same place as Mom for recovery. After that it will probably be a home for elderly. They can't go home to their own home again because both of them are too ill to manage that.

Tonight we are going to our very good friends I and K and their children T and T (who has adopted us as grandparents since their own are dead). K is an excellent cook and he invited us for dinner which I appreciate since that is one of my interests too.

Not long now before I get to know if I still have a job or if my work is going to close. It's a Goverment decision and the proposition will be official on March 18 and that date we all will know, hopefully. The Investigation suggested that two colleges should close down, ours Rosersberg and also Skovde which is completely idiotic since most of Sweden's population lives within their recruitment area. I fear it will be very difficult to recrute students from this area to go either to Sando (Norrland) or Revinge in Scania. But you never know how the politicians think, or do they? Sometimes I wonder. I have been working in this field now, firefighter education, for 28 years and it has always felt like I was doing something that was really needed in the community and I have always been proud of it. I also met my husband H when he attended fire acadamy 26 years ago.
I'm afraid the politicians decide to close down and then 5 years down the line they discover that it was the worst thing they could ever have done. But by that time it's very hard to rebuild what you once have destroyed. The competence of course goes somewhere else and everything you have worked for is spoiled. I will keep you updated on this one.

My happy moment this week? It was the wonderful effort that my Doctor's clinic made when we went there with E.

Words of wisdom: Experience is something fantastic. It helps you recognize a mistake when you make it once again ;-)


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