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Friday flow by and now it's Saturday

I can't believe how fast time flies. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day. Thursday evening G and Kl (our youngest grandchild) came to spend some time with us. They came rather late and I was so tired since I go up rather early but we said hello and then I went to bed.
On Friday G attended school, she's training to be acupuncturer which is an 3 year education, so H and Kl was alone when I was at work.
When I came home we ate lunch and then Kl and I went down to our "mall" to buy a birthday present for her. She will be 12 on Tuesday. This was really my happy moment on Friday. It was so much fun going shopping with her. We finally ended up buying a new dress, new shoes, 3 earrings and a necklace. She looked absolutely adorable in her new outfit. She's such a lovely child (of course all 6 of our grandchildren are, but she's the youngest so far and has a special place in my heart) and it's so fun being with her. Since I don't have any daughters myself I just love to buy things for my 4 granddaughters :-).
G came back from school at 6 PM and then we sat down and had dinner. I hade made a new dish, a gratin with grilled chicken, smoked pork chops, bacon, tomatoes and oregano and on top a mix of creme fraiche, wine and cream as sauce and topping it off Vasterbotten cheese, which is a strong Swedish cheese. I served potatoes and salad to go with it.
We all enjoyed it very much.
Then we watched Let's Dance which is the Swedish version of Dancing with the stars. It was Paso Doble and Slowfox night and the performances were actually quite good. We all have our different favourites but we agreed on Richard Herrey doing the best Paso yesterday.
Today H has really acted as "taxidriver". First he fetched J and K and drow them to Arlanda at 05.15AM for their flight to Heathrow and then on to Los Angeles. Then he came home and took G to Stockholm south where her school is and just now he has taken Kl to Arlanda where she is to take a train to Gavle. She had to go home since her team has a match this afternoon. So right now I'm all alone for a while.
Now to what I wrote last time. When I had that mail that said: Then I'm your sister. I just shouted out and called H and said: Do you know what I just received? No, he said. Then I told him and he was just as excited as I was. So I wrote her back and told her more about me and also sent some photos. She had of course told me little about herself and then we started writing each other mails, in the beginning very often, and it was so interesting. I found it very easy to "talk" to her and I got to know her and her family. So after 7 months I flew over to meet her and her family. I was very nervous before and during the flight but at the same time it was with eager expectation I looked forward to meeting them. I had never before been in LA nor USA for that matter so it was a long flight but worth it all.
Both J and M met me at the airport late at night. We went out for some food and I was so tired so we went early to bed that night. The days that followed we talked a lot, showed photos and got to know each other. It was very exciting. We look a lot alike and M even commented that. After seing photos they had said: That's family. Meeting J was like the finding the missing piece in a puzzle. It was like I became hole, if you understand what I mean. We did a lot of fun things together while getting to know one another. I'm so thankful to her for making me feel so welcome in her family. J and M's hospitality, generousity and friendship means a lot to me and I love them. I also took J's girls to my heart and especially J's grandson who is the cutest you could see. When I first met him when fetching them at the airport (they just came down to see me) he said: Hi, aunt Mia and I got a big hug. I was so moved by that and there and then he took my heart.
I have since then been over again last year, both times actually at Easter, and I'm going to visit again this year in April/May. I'm sure that our Father sits on a cloud in heaven (he died before I met J) smiling and looking down on his girls very pleased. He once said to me while showing me the photo of J: You should really meet with her because you and her are a lot alike .
And he was so right about that.
The only thing is the language. I, of course, is Swedish speaking and have never lived in an Englishspeaking country although I have spoken and written English a lot. I suppose there is a lot of "wrong" in the text I write but I hope you understand what I mean. I sometimes find it hard to express my feelings in English. I suppose I don't have enough words for them :-). In Swedish we maybe have one word for a feeling whilst in English there are 10. I'm thankful though that I know English so well that we all can communicate and that's also the reason why I write this in English so we (family and friends both in Sweden and USA) all can read and in a way be a part of the day to day life.
Finally I want to give you all something to think about and what I think is so true and what I try to do:
"Taking good care of yourself is to make sure you have time for the fun stuff".


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