Weekend again and you would think you could rest and relax but no. Yesterday 2 of our grandchildren came, L1 and L2. They drove down themselves, yes they are grown L1 is 20 and L2 is 18. They came to visit E, our son, and have a night in Stockholm. So yesterday they slept at E's place and came here today at noon. E and the girls, they are both girls, took the commute train to Stockholm and was going to a club when L1 suddenly discovered she had forgotten her ID at E's place so they couldn't get in anywhere so very dissapointed they returned home but had fun anyway.
As I wrote last time O is in hospital and he's still there. But it doesn't end there. Mom has complained over her arm that has been hurting a lot so on Thursday they did an X-ray to see if anything was broken but they couldn't see anything. Yesterday they called from the short time home and said Mom was sent to hospital in ambulance because they suspected she could have an infection since she had gained fever or worse blood poisoning. Later I called the hospital who told me she had been admitted and was now treated with antibiotics directly into the blood. When I called them today they said she's very confused and wants to take out the needles. So now they are both in the same hospital but not in the same ward.
J came for dinner and to see L1 and L2 tonight. It was very nice and I had made pork fillet in a creamy sauce with leek and bacon. To go with it I had fresh potatoes, a yummie salad and cauliflowermash. For desert I had made a chocolatecake with both white and dark chocolate. It was so good.
After that we played TP, the new one with DVD-record and only about music, film, TV, celebritites and sports. Very funny but hard questions.
Big things happens with the band H.E.A.T. They have more gigs planned and J is going to L.A. next Saturday to mix the album. It's his first visit ever in USA and he's very excited. Not to travel that far but to see it and to finalize the album. He will be staying for a week.
If you're interested you can now on their homepage see the gigs that is booked now - www.heatsweden.com. They are to play on Debaser, in Umeå, at Åland, in Karlstad as well as Sweden Rock Festival. I attach a wonderful photo of the band. Don't you just love the feeling!
We have also had several invitation to parties this week. Both to H's former job, a reunion, which we are very happy to go to. Also one of the H.E.A.T parents celebrates her 50th birthday and we are invited. Lots of friends and families are having birthdays these coming months so there's a lot to look forward to.
I hope now that Mom and O will get better soon. It's really on your mind all the time, thinking of them and I'm feeling so sorry for Mom. She doesn't understand what's happening to her.
So both sad and happy things happens just like life itself. Isn't life wonderful after all. And aren't you glad you're alive just now in this moment? I know I am.
As some wise man said: Carpe Diem - Catch the day. You don't know for how long you're here.
Now I really have to go to bed but I just read an article about jetlag. In order to avoid it you should, if you were going to the American West Coast, stay up a bit later every evening a couple of weeks before leaving so you adjust your body to the time there. I don't know about that because you still have to function here as well. Maybe I will try it in April :-).
It isn't easy to tell my story and how I found out about my father and how I finally found my sister and got to know her. Now she and her whole family has a big part of my heart. I am so happy to have had the chance to know them and I love them. I wanted to tell my story to maybe comfort someone who's in the same situation as I was, not knowing what to do and who to turn to. Can I help just one person with my story it has been worth it. I will continue my story tomorrow.
Good night and sweet dreams :-)
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