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First snow and H.E.A.T tour

Today October 25 the first snow this season (not counting the snow at the beginning of the year) fell in Stockholm. As you might remember I'm not a fan of snow. Well, that is I like snow but I don't like the consequences of snow like icy roads, traffic jam, slippery streets and freezing. I do like the crispiness and the light it brings to the landscape and it can be really beautiful as long as you are not in a car on the road or having too little on.
Picture from Stockholm city photo courtesy to Anna Dansk

I can also reveal that H.E.A.T is doing, besides the tour in Sweden, also a tour in Great Britain and more shows/countries is apparantly on the way :-)
I might have to take vacation in April and go to England :-) Well, we have to wait and see.

Other than these news I don't have many but my stiches from the operation is not yet out. They are supposed to go away by themselves and apparantly it isn't healed yet (2 weeks since the operation now).

I hope you all have a great weekend and take care out there in this bad weather.


  1. snow in October, I guess winter has arrived in Sweden.
    We had a lovely 76 degrees sunny day, but then again, this is sunny California :)
    Hope you are feeling better!

  2. We had snow here in the Salt Lake valley on Oct 25 also!


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