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H.E.A.T wins the tryout and goes to the Globe

I'm home again after a wonderful, happy, crazy weekend in a happy bubble. But let me begin when we arrived in Skelleftea on Friday. The first thing we see outside the airplane window is snow - white wonderful snow, a blue sky and sunshine. When we came out it was rather cold -16C but fresh and lovely air.

We had rented a car and drove to the camping where we had booked rooms. A wonderful house met us. It's a kind of hostel but with hotel standard - Galaxen hostel - Our rooms were very nice and had a wonderful view. Isn't it like a painting?

The whole day long people arrived and at night some of us went to the dress rehearsal. Others like me stayed at home. After the dress rehearsal they came back and so did some of the guys. We had a very nice time together with them and they said it felt OK.

The big day we spent downtown shopping last minute details, talking to people on town (they were so nice everyone) and even met some we knew (of course they were from our entourage).
We were a mix of relatives. There were parents, siblings, girlfriends, girlfriends parents, aunts, nieces, grandparents and I think even some friends. In all around 50 people.
Some had made big signs and before the show we practiced our cheers and shouting. Yes my voice is gone since Saturday night.

We all had dinner together at 4.30 and at 6 we started walking down to the arena. Luckily it was situated just 5 minutes walk from us. The tension rose as the minutes ticked away and the live broadcast came closer. We tried some shouts and arranged the signs and suddenly it was time.
The first 3 songs we didn't see anything because we were busy texting and calling our votes. Then as number 4 - the H.E.A.T is on. Their song titled 1000 miles is great. They had so much fun on stage and I think their love for music came through the TV-cameras. Everyone was super although I didn't see it that much since I was busy voting but I've seen it numerous times since I returned home.
When the first voting was through they were one of 5 songs going through to the next round. Then they met Amy Diamond in one of the two duells. By this time my hands were shaking and I had a hard time finding the numbers on the phone. We only had two minutes to vote and they went by so fast. Almost every time I called their number was occupied. Finally the hostess, Petra Mede, announced the winner going straight to the final in the Globe - H.E.A.T
And we, the families, exploded in shouting and - FEEL THE HEAT! We had done that since we arrived and then people just starred at us wondering who we were but now they smiled and sang and looked like they liked what they saw.
H.E.A.T got to play their song one more time.
After them was the second duell to see the other one going directly to the Globe. This time Måns Zelmerlöw won and he too was happy as a lark.
Then all artists had press conferences, interviews and more before they could head to the hotel and the party. We were not invited since we were too many but the girlfriends was of course VIP.

We parents and other relatives had our own party at our house and we were so happy, drinking, playing H.E.A.T's CD and talking about all that had happened. It was kind of hard to grasp really.
Finally around 2 AM I went to bed and some continued until 2.30AM

After a nice lazy day where we started off by reading the papers. H.E.A.T was on the frontpage which was great and they called it a sensation that they went straight through to the final.
I came back home late yesterday night and immediately watched the show which I have recorded.

Hope all of you that watched it online enjoyed even if you didn't understand a word :-)

Thank you also to those of you that voted.


  1. It's great they won, I told you I watched most of the show, and undoubtedly, they were the best.
    It seems Sweden really likes Eurovision, and especially the Melodifestival, is nice to see all of you so involved. In Spain they sort of think it's a joke and they vote for the most annoying entries, maybe that's why they don't win too often!
    I'm happy you had such a good time, and even happier they won! Congratulations to all of you :)

  2. Det är så himla roligt!! GUD Vad glad jag är för deras skull och ni verkar ha haft det jättebra i Skellefteå! Klara sa att hon kanske skulle gå med morfar på finalen, de skulle ju vara jättehäftigt!


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