I must share with you when J met his Spanish cousins for the first time.
They live in Barcelona or rather just outside the city. I started talking to them on Facebook since I have never met them either nor my sister in Spain.
I then told them about H.E.A.T coming to Barcelona and play. They at once said they wanted to meet him so finally we could arrange for them to be on the guestlist and also meet J before the gig.
From what I have been told both from S and from J and A they
got along very well. If you look at the photos I think you can see the family resemblance especially on the photo of J and S.

I wish I could have been there too but having been in London last week and going to New York Thursday morning I couldn't afford it. I could gladly have been to every place they are playing. Mom like a groupie, how about that? :-)
As I said I'm going to New York Thursday morning and we have to be at the airport around 5AM which is very early!! So tomorrow evening L is coming here to stay over and then we are off. I must say it will be wonderful. It has been a lot since I came home from London.
Just today I was told that the course I was going to attend in Gothenburg the first week in February had been cancelled. Panic! I had already booked and paid for the hotelroom as well as for the trainticket and they are not refundable. So the whole day I have been on the phone and on the net trying to find something else. I also had an interview today with a recruiting database which went well.
I did manage to find education! Which was passed by the foundation that pays. So I'm still going to Gothenburg on February 1 but only for 2 days. Then I found another course in Stockholm with the rest of the course 3 days. This is an intensive course of 5 days.
I hope to one day soon go to Barcelona and visit my nieces and sister but I would prefer if my other sister J in USA would come too. We are having a bit of languageproblems and I think it would be easier if we all met at the same time. So how about it J? Will I see you here this summer?
They live in Barcelona or rather just outside the city. I started talking to them on Facebook since I have never met them either nor my sister in Spain.
I then told them about H.E.A.T coming to Barcelona and play. They at once said they wanted to meet him so finally we could arrange for them to be on the guestlist and also meet J before the gig.
From what I have been told both from S and from J and A they

I wish I could have been there too but having been in London last week and going to New York Thursday morning I couldn't afford it. I could gladly have been to every place they are playing. Mom like a groupie, how about that? :-)
As I said I'm going to New York Thursday morning and we have to be at the airport around 5AM which is very early!! So tomorrow evening L is coming here to stay over and then we are off. I must say it will be wonderful. It has been a lot since I came home from London.
Just today I was told that the course I was going to attend in Gothenburg the first week in February had been cancelled. Panic! I had already booked and paid for the hotelroom as well as for the trainticket and they are not refundable. So the whole day I have been on the phone and on the net trying to find something else. I also had an interview today with a recruiting database which went well.
I did manage to find education! Which was passed by the foundation that pays. So I'm still going to Gothenburg on February 1 but only for 2 days. Then I found another course in Stockholm with the rest of the course 3 days. This is an intensive course of 5 days.
I hope to one day soon go to Barcelona and visit my nieces and sister but I would prefer if my other sister J in USA would come too. We are having a bit of languageproblems and I think it would be easier if we all met at the same time. So how about it J? Will I see you here this summer?
åhh vad roligt att de fick träffas!! Tusen tack för presenten, det var precis vad som behövdes! OCh jag Hoppas att ni får det underbart i NY trots att inte jag hinner komma och träffa er!! KRAAAMAAR