Well, after taking off from Livorno the weather once again was thunder and lightning and windy so that day we made it an early night and woke up the next day in Saint Raphael on the French Riviera near Marseille. The day was lovely and we went by ashore by the tenders. Once there we strolled along the queyside where the Sunday market was. Lot of fun and nice things to look at. Our "grandchildren" wanted to take a bath in the Mediterranean so we went to a little beach. There were only 2 other people there - a madame and her grown daughter who was out swimming. When she came out of the water she went away and the Madam came to me and told me (in French) she had been badly burnt by jellyfishes and warned us to go in. So no bathing for the kids. The Madam continued talking to me, still in French, and I'm so happy I understood all that she said and could even answer her back in French (it has been like 15 years since I spoke French last time). It turned out she owned an hotel in Grenoble and she gave me her calling card telling me I should go there.
Back on board we layed down by the pool trying to get some sun. It was lovely. We took off for Corsica at night and arrived at 7 AM.
A wonderful town that we fell in love with. The birthplace of Napoleon who, of course, had a statue in town. We saw his birth house and we strolled along the small wonderful streets and we went to the food market. We only stayed here until 1 PM which was ashame.
Shortly after we left Ajaccio the ship started rocking. It was my birthday on Monday and we had planned to go to the fancy restaurant (booked a table there) but first I headed for the hairdresser doing a makeover :-) When there it rocked more and more and the hairdressers went seasick and so did I. One pill and I could stand it but when I was finished, very nice by the way, I went straight down to the cabin. H said: Oh, how nice you look.
I just throw myself in bed and lyed flat there, couldn't move before I got seasick. So my birthdayparty was laying in bed :-(. It rocked more and more and it didn't get calmer until 11 PM so from 3.30 PM until 6.30 AM the following I was in bed.
The next day it was Tuesday and time to go home which was sad in a way but still nice.
The ship
Ocean Village two was our ship. Sailed under English flag and you could tell that because everything was British. The food, the entertainment, the passengers etc. We were 88 Scandinavians on board and 1200 Brits.
I did like our cabin but I didn't like the fact that you paid a lot of money and still had to pay extra for almost everything. The only food included was the buffet and if you wanted to be served you had to pay and extra fee and also extra for the food itself. You had to pay to use the internet, 12£ an hour and of that hour you had to wait for loading 50 minutes and when you finally got in - you were thrown out again. We will not sail with her again.
Home again
Since we got home it hasn't stopped rocking and I still feel nauseous but hopefully that will be better with time. I did report myself sick to work when I got home. I thought I would feel so much better after this trip but I don't so I have followed my doctor's advice and I will be home until I feel better.
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