Time really flies and it has been a while since I wrote mainly because since I last wrote I haven't had any time at all to sit down and collect my thoughts. Now I take time although I'm not feeling 100% well. I actually came home Friday after helping O move to his new and permanent home for elderly. While there I had to go shopping a lot for him since the home required that! I felt very dizzy and not my usual self and also when getting back I had to mark all the things I had bought with O's name and also make his bed. I started sweating and couldn't understand what was going on. I snapped at H and he was only being nice. When we returned home I went down to the store to get some things and I started shiver. More so when I returned home and I just took my clothes off and went to bed without dinner or anything. Woke up a bit later hot like a stove. I got up and took the temperature and it hit F 104/C40 so pretty high. I went back to bed and slept through the night although very bad. I woke up every 30 minutes or so and I dreamt a lot. In the morning it had gone down to 38,3C but still fever so I took it easy yesterday. Today I don't have fever, I think, but I'm still not feeling completey well. I don't know what this was because I'm not cold or nothing. Maybe I have too much going on so my body tells me to take it easy.
Although this period started out good with me, my sis H and her friend C going to Varberg spa. It was very nice but not as good as when we went there 8 years ago and certainly not worth the
Anyway after being on the course I actually worked a day. A day which ended with lunch at my boss home to celebrate summer and vacation. Straight after that H and I went up to Gavle to see our grandson graduate from International school of Gavle with all the pomp and circumstances you have in England. We barely made it to the start but luckily the others kept places for us.
The photo below shows our student Lisa and family. I look very funny in the front but I'm squatting so everyone can be seen.
Next day we celebrated LV who graduated high school. It was really lovely and we had two nice days in Gavle. Of course LS and I had time for some shopping so I actually bought 2 dresses and 2 pair of shoes. We returned home late Thursday night and then Friday I told you about before.
One sad thing though is that I wasn't able to go to Örnsköldsvik to see H.E.A.T play at Hamntältet together with Peter Stormare. From what I have heard it was a success and they had a lot of fun. As I have told you before Peter owns the record company Stormvox where they are signed and they all loved to see him again. It's like "Daddy Peter" was home.
Peter said in an interview with a newspaper that he thought H.E.A.T is one of the worlds best rockband right now and that he was honored to play with them. It really wormed my heart to hear that.
I hope he will be at Rockweekend later this summer so I can meet him in person. He seems to be such a warm and caring man.
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