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Grey Wednesday

Today has been a grey rather dull day. When I got up at 5.15 AM I saw it was raining. After breakfast which my wonderful husband H does for me every day, I drove to work. It was still raining heavily but now with some snow in it. As I drove along the rain shifted over more and more to snow and by the time I was at work it was pure snow - and a lot of it. I wasn't prepared for that at all and had just ordinary shoes. It continued snowing almost until I stopped work at 11 AM when it just rained. It continued raining almost all day and the sun didn't shine at all, just cloudy and grey.

My happy moment today was, I think, when I went to our company nurse for a shot of B12. Not that I got the shot, but that I know it makes me feel so much better.

I'm still very tired but I think that it because I have this infection in one tooth. Didn't I write about that before? Anyway I suddenly had a swelling above one of my teeth and as the days went by it started to hurt very bad. The other teeth around this one also hurt bad. So I called my sis H, she's a dentist, and she prescribed this antibiotics and I think it's those two in combination, medicine and infection, that makes me feel more exhausted than usual. Every evening when I watch TV I found myself half asleep and then I realize I have to go to bed. I'm an evening person but now I'm in bed by 9.30 PM! That is early to me.

I promised to tell you about how I found my Father. After my Mom had told me, I searched for years every possibility I knew with no luck. Finally I called our National telephone company and asked if there was such a person in Barcelona. There were two and the one I called was my Father. He was very happy to hear from me and he came to see me just a couple of weeks after that phone call. It was kind of strange but exciting to meet him. He also wanted to meet my son D, my Mom and O and we had a lovely dinner that evening. He later came back two more times during which he showed me photos of my sisters. One he said lived in USA, was married with two children. He also said and showed me a photo of my other sister but didn't tell me much about her more than that she lived in Spain. Unfortunately he never said my sister's name nor where they lived exactly and USA is big.
Although we didn't meet that many times I was still very happy to have the chance to know him. He was a warm and generous person always happy, at least when I met him. He loved music, something I do too and as you have read earlier so does my son J. He also loved travels which I do too and I have actually been working as a traveleader. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to meet him and see where I came from. There is always questions when you grow up who you look like, where did I get that from and so on. A funny thing is that my son J has such a beautiful almost aristocratic and it's a bit different from us nose from all of us and yesterday I found a photo of my Father when he was young and suddenly I saw that J has exactly the same nose! I showed H the photo and he laughed and said that is exactly the same.
Later in life when I got ill everyone asked about family history regarding illnesses but I couldn't know then. We didn't meet in person many times but we wrote often to each other, sometimes I just got postcards but also letters. Suddenly the postcards and letters stopped coming and I had no idea what had happened.
After a couple of years I got a computer and was on the internet when I saw people looking for other people on messageboards. I thought this might be a way of finding my sisters. So I placed an add on ICQ asking for siblings. I went in there almost every day for a while to check if someone had answered but nothing. Days became weeks that became years and I had really forgotten all about it when one night I went on the internet. I had just returned from our summerhouse in Gotland and was checking the mail and there it was! The mail said: Are you the MT looking for siblings after RP?
I immediately answered and said Yes! The reply came instantly - Then I'm your sister.


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